Email Setup

Email Setup

Sending email from your own email account in Teesom

Although Teesom is able to send all email on your behalf, you may prefer to use your own outgoing (“SMTP”) mail server for sending email. This article will help you to set that up.

However, you can send email from your own email address instead, you just need to add the account to Teesom.

By default Teesom will send all outgoing emails via
For assistance with connecting your GMAIL account, please see:  GMAIL SETUP
For assistance with connecting your Office365 account, please see: Office 365 Setup
For assistance with connecting your YAHOO! account, please see: Yahoo! Setup

To add a new email account, go to the “Main Menu” (the 4 small squares at the top right corner) and click on:  “Company Settings“

On the Company Setup go to the “Email” tab then expand “Email Accounts“.  

Then click on “New Email Account“:

Below is an example of a completed Email Account:
  1. Description: Used to identify which email account this is.
  2. Display Name: The name recipients see when sending emails using Teesom.
  3. Email Address.
  4. Depending on the email service you want to use, these details will vary. 
  5. Username: Usually the same as the email address.
  6. Password: This field is not for your email password but rather an ‘App Password‘ or similar code depending on the email service being used.
You cannot view sent emails in Teesom, therefore it is recommended in the New Email Account setup that you setup a BCC (blind carbon copy) email (to yourself).

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